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Create A Morning Routine That Works For You

By now, you might have heard of the “5-9, 9-5” productivity trend that’s going viral on social media. If you haven’t, well, here’s what it’s about. Most of us rush to get to work in hectic city with a morning routine that looks like this: Wake up and realize that it’s already 8:30 am, grab your laptop and rush out the door for your commute. But then the bus gets delayed, your Grab car cancels, or worst, your uber gets stuck for 20 minutes, and now it’s 9:20 am! If you drive, you will be all too familiar with the rush hour jam and vehicles slowing down to avoid the ERP charges.

Yet, some people can wake up before 9 am to work out at the gym, meditate, and clean up their house before heading to work. This productivity trend, known as the “5-9 before a 9-5”, has taken off mainly on Tiktok and other social media platforms. It’s a short video in which early birds show how they get things done before their workday starts. Watching these early birds work out, clean up, and plan their to-do list before their workday starts can be very satisfying. It can also motivate you to do the same.

But if you’re still working from home and have no reason to commute, is there a need to establish a morning routine?

While opinions on the trend are divided, did you know that a morning routine can help you to perform better at work? Whether you are commuting to work or working from home, there are benefits to establishing a morning routine. Let’s look at why and how to set one!

Why A Morning Routine Is Good for You

A morning routine is a set of habits or practices you follow every day, usually when waking up. It can be anything from making your bed or drinking a cup of coffee to reading a book or exercising.

A morning routine is extremely important because it sets the tone for how your whole day will go. It helps you wake up, move, and prepare for the day ahead. It helps you assess your to-do list and achieve them. And it also helps you feel good about yourself – like you’ve accomplished something even before the day has started!

And more power to you if you can work out in the morning. It’s proven that exercising in the morning has multiple benefits. For instance, you’ll have fewer distractions because there are fewer people, and the weather is cooler. Here are three more benefits:

  1. Better attention span and decision-making: A study showed that working out in the morning can improve your attention span and decision-making.

  2. Controls food intake: Another study also discovered that morning workouts could help dieters make better diet choices and control their appetite.

  3. Additionally, exercise also helps to increase endorphin production, which leads to an improved sense of well-being.

These benefits mean going for signing up for my classes at 6.30 am Karate, Boxing, and Kickboxing from the comfort of your home can help you start the day positively. A better morning mood can significantly affect how you go about the rest of your day.

How You Can Set A Morning Routine That Works For You

If you feel like your life is too hectic to do the things you love, don’t worry – you can take back control with a well-planned morning routine. Instead of adopting another person’s morning routine, you should create one that works for you.

The key is to practice small steps and consistency, especially if you are working out after a long break. Here are some habits we recommend that you can include in your morning routine for a good start to your day:

1) Make Time To Wake Up To Do Something You Enjoy

Whether it’s going to a martial arts class, working on your novel, or simply taking time to meditate, find one thing you enjoy and look forward to doing every morning. If you want to work out and feel active, but have trouble getting out of bed, then don’t work out alone.

Instead, look for gyms with early morning instructor-led classes, such as Sweat Factory Gym and Lifestyle Gym. Having an instructor not only saves you the trouble of planning your workouts but having like-minded people in your class will also motivate you to train. That way, you won’t procrastinate when it comes to working out first thing in the morning.

2) Take This Time To Practice Gratitude

Research has shown that people who practice gratitude feel more positive, are more resilient, and foster stronger relationships. They also appreciate and enjoy life’s moments more. So taking the time to jot down three things you feel grateful for early in the day can help train your brain to think positively throughout the rest of your day!

3) Meditate For A Few Minutes With Deep Breaths

Meditation can give you a feeling of calm, peace, and balance that can benefit your emotional and mental well-being. It’s an excellent way to relax if you are stressed, as meditation is proven to lotress and anxiety levels. Simply sit with your thoughts and breathe deeply to stay centered and find inner peace. There are also many apps and Youtube videos out there that can help you meditate, so look for one that you like and find 10-15 minutes in your morning routine to meditate.

4) Create A To-Do List That Prioritises Urgent Tasks

Before you head to work, create a list of everything you want to accomplish that day, including what needs to be done around the house and what tasks need to be accomplished. Then prioritize them according to importance and urgency. Think about what will get done first. This way, when it comes down to deciding which task gets first dibs on your attention, you’ll already know where everything fits into your schedule.

Find A Morning Routine That Works For You

When you wake up in the morning, it’s easy to jump out of bed and start your day. But if you make a conscious effort to have a morning routine, it will make all the difference in how well your day goes. You’ll feel more energized and motivated, which makes getting up easier. You’ll also be able to focus better on what needs to be done throughout the day because you’ve already got momentum from your morning routine!

As the saying goes: new year, new you! So if you don’t have a morning routine, consider creating one with positive habits that you can adopt in 2023 now.

Kickstart The Morning with My Team!

We offer private lesson. That makes it easier to sign up with one of our instructors near you, so you waste less time commuting in the morning. So, if you’re looking for a world-class gym with dedicated instructors and five-star facilities, check out the Sweat Factory Gym, Gladiator Gym and Lifestyle gym to get started. These classes also begin as early as 05:00 am and end as late as 9.45 pm. With these gyms there’s always going to be a class that fits your schedule. Whether you’re an early bird or a night owl, you’ll be able to find a class that fits your schedule.


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