BJJ is a very complex and yet very controlling martial arts style that will let you literally control the body of your opponent. Where other martial arts styles will stick to the striking method of kicking and punching, BJJ allows you to hold the person till he passes out. So far there is no other martial art style that allows you this much control and the best thing is that you can use it anywhere for primary as well as secondary defense. Since other martial arts styles are very restricted and you have a lot of rules to follow, BJJ offers you an insight into human anatomy so you can know the pain points of the human body that you can attack for better results. Moreover, it is the only martial arts style that favors the weaker individual with the right pressure, right hold, and right part of the body, even a four years old can choke a 30 years old individual. In short, there are no other martial arts that offer you this level of strength.
However, since you will be able to control the body of the opponent, there are so many different techniques that you need to learn. The moves are much more complex and you need to strategies everything. While planning your fight, you need to also make sure that you have enough room to plan an attack and when you need to play the defense. Within BJJ you also need to learn about techniques like chokes, locks, holds, guard styles, and domination styles. As a beginner one of the most talked about parts of BJJ is learning the guard. Guard style is when you use your lower body and then keep the opponent at a distance by just using your lower body. Since legs are longer and still hold a lot of power, they can be used as a weapon. Within the guard styles, there are so many other styles that offer you variation so your opponent can not predict your next move. This swapping also helps you to have an upper hand by offering an element of surprise.
With the help of this article, we will look at the way a fighter transitions into guard. Then we will look at the ways guard is used for control and finally, we will know about knee pin pass. Also, we will look at the execution of the knee pin pass.
What Guard Passing And Why It Is A Very Challenging?
Technically passing the guard of an opponent who is fully resistant is pretty challenging. It is one of the most difficult parts of BJJ. To pass the guard you need to be very mindful of the situations and how they can be very harmful to the game. To make sure you have the full grip, you need to start by getting closer to the opponent and then make sure to get your grip firm before your opponent gets to handle you in any way. Whoever gets the better grip will most likely hold the opponent better and this will decide the dominance. After you firm the grip, you can then get ready to pass the guard. While doing so, you also need to control the body of your opponent. The first thing to control is the head, then you can get to the rest of the body and finally the limbs and torso.
Now that you know about guard passing, you also need to know that there is not just one style. In fact, there are multiple styles and each style plays a very important role. One of the most important styles that you can use against your opponent is the knee-pin guard pass style.
What Is Knee Pin Guard And How To Execute It?
One of the most basic open guard passing within BJJ is the knee pin guard. This style of the guard is taught to the beginner. In fact, if you are just starting your practice, it will be the very first thing you will be taught. For this basic pass, you need to start with some key elements that can help you pass the guard. This includes the controlling of the body at the very first. You need to have full control over the legs, head, and hips of your opponent. Since it is one of the fundamental techniques, you can literally peg it because it has been proven to be very effective. Even in high-level competition, if you master the knee pin pass, you will be able to keep your opponent at bay. However, some people use a combination of different techniques as well. You can use this pass with other techniques so you can control your opponent in a much better and more effective way.
For the technique, you will see that focus is mainly on ways to use the open guard pass. You will start from the standing position within the supinated open guard of the opponent. Then you get to control the knee of the opponent. However, make sure you are controlling one knee and one hand on the same side. So if you started by controlling the leg knee, you need to control the left hand as well. Finally, you can shift to the hip region and control that as well. A simple way of initiating that is to start with using the solid standing stance as right. So, by using your right, you get to control the left of your opponent. Then push the knee down toward your opponent and this will offer you enough room for creating space.
After you get the left knee on the ground, now you have enough control that you can also lower your base and then use the left knee of your opponent as a steering and get it to the mat. Overlap the left leg with the knee and you will have enough space to pin down your opponent. Now, use the right leg and push the opponent and this will help your carte a base. Also, you will be able to lock the opponent by overlapping your leg and his leg. However, make sure your leg stays on top.
After overlapping, you can then get the left knee of the opponent and then use your left hand to firm your grip. This way you get full control when you drop your full weight on the upper body of your opponent. Laos, you will be creating a full-body connection, keeping your weight over the top, and fully pressing the opponent. This will help you pin down the opponent and your opponent will not be able to push you with the right knee. In case you do not do it, there is a high chance that your opponent uses his right knee and hit you across the chest for creating the knee shield pose. However, if you drive your left knee and pin your opponent with upper body weight, this will get you in a dominant position.
Now, move the left hand and grip the left knee of the opponent and then use the left hand for head control. By the end of it, you will use one hand for knee control, body for the hip control, and the right hand for left knee control. Now it’s time to remove the right hand from the hip side and use it to firm your grip with an under hook on the right arm side. Also, you need to have a cross face towards the head. Make sure to avoid the under hook and enter the half-guard first. After this, you can pass to the switch base. Most people opt for a windshield viper base while others attack the leg and get back. However, you can also move the left leg for creating space and getting out of the way. Finally, complete the pass and get to the side control part of the guard. This will create an ideal situation for the cross face and eventually offer you enough power to block the hip with the full body.
Bottom Line
To sum it all up, this might look easy for something that you can learn as a fundamental. However, you need to keep in mind that practice is the only way you will be able to master it. For the knee pin pass, you need to keep in mind that it is not something that you can cram and follow right away. It requires a lot of practice and sometime the opponent might come very hard on you. Also, external factors like weight and the initial position play a very important role. Apart from this, you need to knee in mind that the style can be the same only if there is a GI involved. This may change in the case of No Gi when the grip is not too firm and you do not know how to directly handle the opponent. For both GI and No GI it is very important to closely monitor and follow the instructions of your instructor.